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Top 10 Tips for Great Service

Pat Croce, motivational speaker, best-selling author and former owner of the Philadelphia 76ers, began his successful career by building a sports therapy chain. From his entrepreneurial experiences, he draws his top 10 tips for great customer service:

1. Say hello and goodbye. A genuine "hello" and "goodbye" often manage to make people smile and make them feel welcome.

2. First-name basis. Saying a person's name can make him or her feel important or necessary. But don't overdo it, or you risk sounding insincere.

3. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listening shows that you have a vested interest in what a person says and gives you the chance to learn something new.

4. Communicate clearly. Fully articulate words while speaking. Say "yes" instead of "yeah" or "yep." You'll sound more intelligent and a lot more professional.

5. Be neat, clean and fit. If you want to make a good impression, dress and look to impress. People often judge you by what you wear.

6. Be prompt and professional. Being timely and displaying professional mannerisms give others good things to say about you.

7. Be positive. Your attitude can reflect upon others, and remember,
if something goes wrong, don't give up.

8. Give compliments. Why not make someone's day? Praise tends to reproduce itself.

9. Have fun. Balance hard work and stress with something relaxing
and enjoyable.

10. Implement a strategy today. What are you waiting for? Nothing will get people talking about your business faster than stellar customer service.



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