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Introduction to Prospecting

Prospecting are activities conducted by real estate agents in an effort to generate leads, contacts, clients, and ultimately, new business. There are many methods of prospecting, including door-to-door solicitations, cold calling, mass mailers, e-mail blasts, call-ins, door hangers, and getting involved in the community.

Here are some suggestions to help overcome your doubts and fears of prospecting:

Preview currently listed property.

Previewing will get you out in the market place. The more properties you view, the better sense you're likely to have of the neighborhoods and the market value of property. Having the confidence from knowing the market value is key in working with both buyers and sellers.

Acknowledge that it's hard but necessary work.

It may be difficult asking someone to use your services as a real estate agent, but you should come to terms with the fact that this is exactly what you have to do, whether you're new to the business or a 20-year veteran. Prospecting gets easier over time, and you get better at it with practice.

Be persistent.

Research shows that clients must hear an advertisement many times before remembering it. So don't give up after only one or two attempts. Also practice good follow-up. After getting a lead, be sure to follow up with a face-to-face visit, an e-mail, a thank-you card, a newsletter, or better yet, all of the above.

Try to do things you enjoy.

We've heard of going from door-to-door and cold calling, but there are many, many other ways of prospecting. Try to select prospecting methods you'll enjoy doing, such as organizing a charity event, joining a cooking class or the PTA at your child's school. Your prospecting efforts will be more effective and rewarding if you enjoy what you're doing.

Make opportunities for yourself.

Be alert, be clever, and be creative. Whatever situation you are in, try to transform it into a business opportunity for yourself.

The harder you work,   the luckier you get.

-Glenn Bland

Prospecting: Don’t Be a “Secret Agent”

Why do so many people hate to prospect? There may be many answers to this question. Whether it's fear of rejection or the feeling that your efforts are futile, here are some things to remember to help maintain a positive attitude towards prospecting.

Realize that it's a numbers game.

Realizing this may help you get over the rejection quicker and make it easier to keep on going to the next prospect. The best way to think of it is: "Okay, that's one more NO closer to my next YES!"

Recognize that you don't have to hard sell .

Don’t feel you have to hard sell people when you are prospecting for business. In fact, oftentimes, it may be better to take a soft-sell approach to things. People usually do not want to feel pushed into anything, and telling yourself you don't need to hard sell someone alleviates a lot of the anxiety you may feel to perform.

Know that many agents hate to prospect.

Just the fact that you are willing to prospect puts you ahead of the game.

FUN TIP: Looking into a mirror and smiling helps you project a better and more positive voice when making prospecting calls. Keeping one handy by your telephone is a good idea. Remember to smile!

Desire may be the great motivator, but work brings the realization.

Work makes dreams materialize.

Whatever your goals, work will win where wishing won’t.

If you work, if you learn to duplicate through the system,

you will succeed!


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